22 Apr 2016


This is what the scripture says:
 “And there was a great battle in heaven; Michael and his angels fought with the dragon and the dragon fought and his angels. (Rev.12:7)
                                                           St. Michael ready for batle

When the Lord had manifested these things to the good and to the bad angels, the holy prince Michael and his companions, with the permission of God, gave battle to the dragon and his followers.
It is difficult to describe by many people how this battle was fought and what and what implements or arms were in used  in that memorable battle, since there is such a wide difference between our conceptions, founded on material objects, and those which would be appropriate to the nature and operations of such great spirits as these angels.
                                                   The battle between the two factions 

 Many people do see an image of Saint Michael holding the sword and a shield in his hands as in the picture above. That picture is only a symbol of war. No material implement or arms were involved since they are spirits. Saint Michael and the holy angels combated Lucifer with the arms of the understanding, reason,  truth and will.(According to what was manifested to blessed Mary of Jesus, the abbess of the Immaculate Conception convent in Spain.)

It was a wonderful battle. Saint Michael, burning with zeal for the honour of God and armed with divine power(understanding, reason, will and truth) with his own humility, resisted the arrogant pride of the dragon, saying:
                                                                          St. Michael and Lucifer in battle

“Worthy is the Highest of honour, praise and reverence, and of being loved, feared and obeyed by all creation. He is mighty to work whatever He desires. He that is increate and without dependence on any other being, cannot seek anything that is not most just. To us He gave grace such as we have, creating us and forming us out of nothing. He can create other beings, as many and in what manner He pleases. It is reasonable that we, submissive and prostrate in his presence, adore his Majesty and kingly grandeur. Come then, ye angels, follow me, let us adore Him, and extol his admirable and secret judgments, his most perfect and holy works. God is most exalted and above all creatures, and He would not be the Most High, if we could attain or comprehend his great works. Infinite He is in wisdom and goodness, rich in the treasures of his benefits. As Lord of all and needing none, He can distribute them to whomsoever He wishes, and He cannot err in the selection. He can love and confer his favour to whomsoever He chooses, and He can love whom He likes; He can raise up, create and enrich according as it is his good pleasure. In all things He will be wise, holy and irresistible. Let us adore and thank Him for the wonderful work of the Incarnation which He has decreed, and for his favours to his people and for its restoration to grace after its fall. Let us adore this Person endowed with the human and the divine nature, let us reverence It and accept It as our Head; let us confess, that He is worthy of all glory, praise and magnificence, and, as the Author of grace, let us give Him glory and acknowledge his power and Divinity.”
                                                             And the battle became serious

With such arms St. Michael and his angels gave battle, fighting as it were, with the powerful rays of truth against the dragon and his followers, who on their hand made use of blasphemies.