15 Jun 2016


 Near the Cross stood Mary, the most holy Mother of Jesus, with Mary Cleophas and Mary Magdalen. adoring her dead Jesus and his divinity inseparably united to his sacred body.
                                                      Jesus expires on the cross waiting to be pierced

                                                           Blessed Mary St. John and other Mary by the cross

                                                         Adoring Her Son who died on the cross

 But now She was especially solicitous for the burial of the sacred body of her divine Son and how to procure someone to take it down from the Cross. Full of this sorrowful anxiety, keeping her heavenly eyes riveted upon it, She turned to her holy angels around Her and spoke to them: “Ministers of the Most High, my friends in tribulation, you know that there is no sorrow like unto my sorrow; tell me then, how shall I take down from the Cross, whom my soul loves; how and where shall I give Him honourable burial, since this duty pertains to me as his Mother? Tell me what to do, and assist me on this occasion by your diligence.”
The holy angels answered: “Our Queen and Mistress, let thy afflicted heart be dilated for what is still to be borne, because He(Christ) wishes to justify his cause to the end and to shed the rest of the blood still in Him for the benefit of mankind and in order that He may bind them still more firmly to make a return for his copious and redeeming love” (Ps. 79, 7” This answer of the angels increased the sorrow of the afflicted Mother; for it had not been as yet revealed to Her, that her divine Son should be wounded by the lance, and the fear of what should happen to the sacred body renewed her tribulation and anxiety.
She soon saw an armed band approaching Calvary; and in her dread of some new outrage against the deceased Saviour, She spoke to saint John and the pious women : “Alas, now shall my affliction reach its utmost and transfix my heart! Is it possible, that the executioners and the Jews are not yet satisfied with having put to death my Son and Lord? Shall they now heap more injury upon his dead body?” It was the evening of the great Sabbath of the Jews, and in order to celebrate it with unburdened minds, they had asked Pilate for permission to shatter the limbs of the three men sentenced, so that, their death being hastened, they might be taken from the crosses and not left on them for the following day. With this intent the company of soldiers, which Mary now saw, had come to mount Calvary. As they perceived the two thieves still alive, they broke their limbs and so hastened their end (John 19, 31). But when they examined Jesus they found Him already dead, and therefore did not break his bones, thus fulfilling the mysterious prophecy in Exodus (Ex. 12, 46), commanding that no bones be broken in the figurative lamb to be eaten for the Pasch. But a soldier, by the name of Longinus, approaching the Cross of Christ, thrust his lance through the side of the Savior. Immediately water and blood flowed from the wound, as Saint John, who saw it and who gives testimony of the truth, assures us (John 19, 34).
                                         watch how He was pierced for our sake

 The cross with which the Saviour was crucified was erected over the place where the bones of Adam were buried and which is the centre of the world. So the cross of Christ over the bones of Adam was a foreshadowing of the Holy Mass over the relics of saints under the altar stone. The side where Eve was taken from Adam was the same place where Christ side was pierced with a lance.