18 Jul 2016


Jesus, having taken leave of this holy and fortunate gathering of the faithful, his countenance beaming forth peace and majesty, joined his hands and, by his own power, began to raise Himself from the earth, leaving thereon the impression of his sacred feet on the ground. In gentlest motion He was wafted toward the aerial regions, drawing after Him the eyes and the hearts of those firstborn children, who amid sighs and tears vented their affection. 
                                                                                  And He drew the angels with him

The Saviour Jesus drew after Him also the celestial choirs of the angels, the holy Patriarchs and the rest of the glorified saints, some of them with body and soul, others only as to their soul. All of them in heavenly order were raised up together from the earth, accompanying and following their King, their Chief and Head.

 Mysterious sacrament took place during this occasion; our saviour raised His mother up with Him.
In order that this mysterious sacrament might be kept secret from the apostles and disciples and others who were there, the divine power enabled the blessed Mother miraculously to be in two places at once; remaining with the apostles and disciples and at the same time ascending with the Redeemer of the world to his heavenly throne, where She remained for three days. There She enjoyed the perfect use of all her powers and faculties.

The most blessed Lady was raised up with her divine Son and placed at the right hand in fulfilment of what David said:  The daughters of kings have delighted thee in thy glory. The queen stood on thy right hand, in gilded clothing; surrounded with variety. ” (Ps. 44, 10 douay – Rheims version) or (New bible Ps.45:9)  “The Queen was at his right hand investments gilded by the splendours of his glory and surrounded by the variety of his gifts and graces in the sight of the ascending angels and saints” It was also very appropriate, that the Apostles and the other faithful, for the time being, should be ignorant of this mystery; for if they had seen their Mother and Mistress ascend with Christ, their affliction would have been beyond all bounds and without recourse or relief. Nothing could ever console them for the departure of Christ more fully than to feel that they had still with them their most blessed Lady and kindest Mother. Even then their sighs and sobbing, and their tears welled up from their inmost hearts, when they saw their beloved Master and Redeemer disappearing through the aerial regions. And when they had almost lost sight of Him, a most resplendent cloud interposed itself between Him and those He had left upon earth (Acts 1, 9), intercepting Him altogether from their view.

 In it the Person of the eternal Father descended from heaven to the regions of the air in order to meet the Son and the Mother. who had furnished the new mode of existence in which He now returned. Coming to Them the eternal Father received Them in his embrace of infinite love, to the joy of the angels, who had accompanied the Father in innumerable choirs from his heavenly seat. In a short space of time, penetrating the elements and the celestial orbs, that whole divine procession arrived at the supreme regions of the empyrean heaven.
                                                                                                          Christ ascending with his blessed mother

 At their entrance the angels, who had ascended from the earth with their Sovereigns Jesus and Mary, and those who had joined them in the aerial regions, spoke to those who had remained in the heavenly heights and repeated those words of David and many others referring to this mystery, saying:
  [7] Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted up, O eternal gates: and the King of Glory shall enter in. [8] Who is this King of Glory? the Lord who is strong and mighty: the Lord mighty in battle. [9] Lift up your gates, O ye princes, and be ye lifted up, O eternal gates: and the King of Glory shall enter in. [10] Who is this King of Glory? the Lord of hosts, he is the King of Glory. (Psalm23:7-10) or (New bible, Psalm24)