11 Aug 2016


One of the greatest gifts from God is the sacrament of reconciliation. If people know the value of confession, they would be fighting to get into the confessional. There are three main things about this sacrament. They are contrition, confession and satisfaction.

The sacrament of reconciliation does much more than ‘just’ rid us of our sins, it gives us a tremendous increase in sanctifying grace. It wins for us a higher place in heaven which increases union with God. Each time we go to confession; we are preserved from many dangers and misfortunes which might otherwise have befallen us. Confession is reconciliation with God – we admit our faults, we confess our pride, we want to be again in union with Him – and from all these honest and sincere reformation, will come God’s added grace. The power of satan over us is diminished. We are helped to resist sin. Without reformation and reconciliation and all that these words imply, the sacrament of confession could become a superstitious practice.

A devout confession helps us to hear the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. It gives us added ‘spiritual muscles’ and helps us to hear and follow the advice of our guardian angels. It rids us of mortal sins and gives us greater desire to be free even from venial sins. It gives us a special a special preserving influence against the fires of passion.
Pope Paul VI described confession as a school of moral wisdom…a training ground for spiritual energy… The sacrament of penance as the sacrament of confession should be received at least twice a month. Pope Pius XII,  Pope John Paul II, st. Vincent de Paul, st. Philip Neri, Venerable Mary of Agreda and many others went to confession every day. St. Francis of Rome went three times every day. These people knew how true that confession is good for the soul. The practice of daily confession is required by the rule of Minimi, a religious order founded by st. Francis of Paola. The church tells us as much when she prescribes confession and Holy Communion within eight days in order to gain a plenary in indulgence.
Of course there need be no graven sins to confess. That is the whole purpose of what are “confession of devotion.”  They are potent channels of grace for massive conversion of sinners if ever the mania of sin is to cease.
 If we mention our sins more than once in confession, our temporary punishment for that sin is reduced. E.g.  … “I also wish to accuse myself of the sins of my past life like fornication, anger etc.” This is said after you must have mentioned the ones you committed recently.
When starting a confession, one should admit all the sins and failure he or she has committed. E.g. “Bless me father for I have sin, my last confession was two weeks ago. Within this period these are my offensives. I confess all the sins and failure which I have committed in thought, words and deed or by omission, especially I regret….” 

(Here mention your particular sins). If we start our confession this way we receive forgiveness for all sins both venial and mortal.