11 Apr 2016


It was not written expressively in the scripture how the angels were created. But it was written in the beginning of the bible in a taciturn tone.The words of the first chapter of Genesis are as follows:
1. “In the beginning God created heaven and earth.

2. “And the earth was void and empty, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the spirit of God moved over the waters.

3. “And God said: Be light made. And light was made.

4. “And God saw the light that it was good; and he divided the light from the darkness.

5. “And he called the light day, and the darkness night and there was evening and morning one day,” etc. 
Of the first day the first book of the bible which is Genesis says that “In the beginning God created heaven and earth.” He created heaven for angels and men; and the earth as a place of pilgrimage for man. The heavens in their beauty manifest his magnificence and glory, because in them is deposited the predestined reward of the just. It was written in the book of Genesis of  the first chapter that the earth  was void, but it was not written that the heavens were void; for God had created the angels at the instant indicated by the word of the scripture:“God said: Let there be light, and light was made.” The writer of the book of genesis did not speak here only of material light, but also of the intellectual or angelic lights. He does not make express mention of them, but merely includes them in this word, on account of the proclivity of the Hebrews to attribute Divinity to new things. But the metaphor of light was very appropriate to signify the angelic nature and mystically, the light of their science and grace, with which they were endowed at their creation.

The Lord was presently to divide the light from the darkness and to call the light day and the darkness night. And this did happen not only in regard to the natural night and day, but in regard to the good and bad angels; for to the good, He gave the eternal light of his vision and called it day, the eternal day; and to the bad, the night of sin, casting them into the eternal darkness of hell. The angels which is more excellent and more like unto the spiritual being of the Divinity were created in the empyrean heavens and in the state of grace by which they might be first to merit the reward of glory.