13 May 2016


Holy Ghost came upon many of the faithful in visible form and with visible effects or visible signs

 (Acts 8, 17; 10,44; 11, 15), because they were truly faithful servants, humble and sincere, pure and ready of heart to receive Him. Also in our times He comes to many just souls, although not with such open manifestations, because it is neither necessary nor proper. The interior effects and gifts which
are seven in number are all of the same nature, acting according to the disposition and state of the one who receives them.

The seven gifts of the Holy Ghost are: (1) wisdom, (2) understanding or intellect, (3) fortitude, (4) science or knowledge, (5) piety, (6) counsel, and (7) holy fear. (Isaiah 11:1-3)
The seven gift of the Holy Ghost (Isaiah 11;1-3)

The first one, which is the gift of Wisdom, fills the mind with the knowledge and the delight of divine things and moves the heart to a sincere love toward the practice and exercise of all that is good, all that is best, most perfect and agreeable in the eyes of the Lord

Wisdom is aided by the second gift, that of  Understanding or Intellect, which gives special light to penetrate profoundly into the object presented to the understanding. With this gift one must co-operate by diverting and turning aside one’s attention and thoughts from all the bastard and foreign objects of knowledge, which the demon either by himself or through other creatures shall present to thy mind in order to distract it and prevent it from penetrating deeply into the truth of divine things
When the whole attention of the soul has thus been riveted on understanding the good,

Fortitude, the third gift, is necessary, in order to execute resolutely all that the understanding has perceived as most holy, perfect and agreeable before the Lord. The difficulties and hindrances in the pursuit of the good are to be overcome by Fortitude, making the creature ready to suffer whatever labour or pain, in order not to be deprived of the true and highest Good it has come to know.

The fourth gift, that of Science, which gives light to distinguish between different kinds of good, teaches the most certain and secure way, and decides upon it, when necessary. 

To this is joined the gift of Piety, the fifth, which inclines the soul with sweet urgency to all that is truly pleasing and acceptable to the Lord and to what is of real spiritual benefit to the one executing it. It inclines the creatures to these things not through the natural passions, but by holy, perfect and virtuous motives.

Then, in order that man may be guided by high prudence, the sixth gift, that of Counsel, supports his understanding, in order that he may act with precision and without temerity; weighing the means and taking counsel with himself and with others discreetly for gaining honest and holy ends by the selection of the proper means.

 To all these is added Holy Fear, the last, which guards and sets the seal upon all of them. This gift inclines the heart to fly and avoid all that is imperfect, dangerous or alien to the virtues and perfections of the soul, thus serving as a wall of defense. It is necessary to understand the object and the manner of this holy Fear, lest it grow excessive and cause the creature to fear, where there is no occasion.