17 May 2016


When the Holy Ghost came upon the apostles, they were all filled with wisdom and understanding and they were gifted with the gift of   Fortitude, in order that with courage they could execute all that the understanding has perceived about the holy and wonders of God.
With these gifts and with the other ones, they came outside and boldly spoke about the mysteries of the faith and of eternal life to the people who were already gathered outside the upper room.

All the people were filled with wonder and astonishment at these events. They looked and asked each other, saying: “What is this that we hear? Are not all these that speak Galileans? How then do we hear them speaking in our own language? Jews, Proselytes, Romans, Latin, Greeks, Cretans, Arabs, Medes and all the rest of us from different parts of the world.”

This miracle, in hearing the Apostles spoke in their own language, caused great astonishment. All the Apostles, on account of the plenitude of science and of gifts received, were able to speak in the languages of all nations, because that was necessary for the preaching of the Gospel, yet on that occasion they all spoke the language of Palestine. Using only this idiom they were understood by all the different nationalities there present, as if they had spoken in the several idioms. This miracle the Lord wrought at the time in order that they might be understood and believed by those different nations, and in order that Saint Peter might not be obliged to repeat in the different languages of those present what he preached to them concerning the mysteries of faith. He preached only once and all heard and understood him, each in his own language, and so it happened also with the other Apostles.

So when the Holy Ghost descent on someone, He first of all fill him with the seven gifts (Isaiah 11:1-3) 

making him ready to work for Christ with the same zeal which filled the apostles when they spread round the world preaching to all nations. He that receives these gifts is filled with the graces of God. When God’s grace touches a man, it urges him to labour for the reward. He who does not labour to maintain the life of grace and make use of it for his own good and the good of others, steals from the body of the faithful something which belongs to it, and thereby become a robber in the community. The signs that accompany one filled with Holy Ghost are the fruits produced in those persons. There are twelve fruits of the Holy Ghost. They are:. charity, joy, peace, patience, benignity (kindness), goodness, longanimity (generosity), Mildness (gentleness), faith, modesty, continency (self control), and chastity. (Gal. 5:22-23. Douay - Rheims version). So these and many others are the signs of the Holy Ghost when He descents on someone, not what many are mistaking for signs these days.